I'M JUST GONNA come out and say it: there's nothing attractive or aesthetically pleasing about d*cks. Please stop sending unsolicited pics of yours.
I can only speak for girls - the girls I know at least, but that shit is very disturbing. It's startling AF because the thing about these photos is that there's never a warning. You just open a snap and BAM, you've got both eyes locked on a foreign dick that you can't unsee. And by foreign, I mean it's almost always someone you don't even know, and probably don't want to,
I've always wondered what's going on in mens' minds when they decide to take that leap. Like, is there something about their judgment that's off? Is it a lack of social skills? Is it apathy? I don't know. There should be a study on this. But whatever it is, it's got me fucked up. And none of my male friends with that body part understand it, either.
Yesterday, I was laying on my couch, netflix & chillin' in solitude and decided to open Snapchat. My Snapchat is public, so people who aren't friends with me can snap me and see my story. I have it this way because I meet so many people and exchange snapchats, and it's just much easier to keep it open. I also post a snap to my story every time a No Strings post goes up, so I want as many people to see it and be able to engage with me as possible. That being said, I get a lot of weird messages, but I also get a lot of cool ones.
Last night, I got a snap from someone who snaps me often, but I never really engage with them because I have no idea who they are. We're not friends, they just follow me. Anyway, I decided to open it in good faith because I see their name so often. And what did I get? A photo of a razor-burned pink d*ck with a hand around the base, holding it up as if it's got some weight to it. Idk. Shit hurt my eyes. It was just so wild and I was kinda at my limit, so I decided to ask him the deal.
DUDE: *horribly disturbing photo*
ME: Do ppl actually like dick pics
ME: Or is that something u just took upon yourself
ME: bc I feel like it's very aggressive
DUDE: Some girls like love it
ME: Damn that's wild
ME: Maybe u should ask first
ME: Cuz that shit is rly disturbing sometimes
ME: Most of the time
DUDE: Maybe not bc it takes something disturbing to get people's attention that's the first time we talked literally so imagine how I fucking feel you stupid bitch
ME: Call me more names I like it
Now, shorty did have a couple points. I hadn't engaged in conversation with him ever, so the photo was actually effective. It wasn't the greatest conversation, but it happened nonetheless.
Second, maybe there really are girls who like it. I like to think people repeat certain actions because they have been well received or gotten a positive response. So maybe he's not too far off.
Lastly, maybe I was being a little apathetic. I mean, I didn't take a moment to imagine how he fucking feels bc maybe I really am a stupid bitch. I was fucking with him when I said I liked being called names. Kinda. Anyway, I should think about he feels! Imagine - you're on snapchat messaging random women who just won't respond to you. Maybe you've tried saying nice things or sparking up a convo but it just hasn't worked. So you think, maybe they don't want to talk. Maybe they want a dick in their face.
It's gotta be hard (no pun intended) being an unloved, unwanted, incel dude in an unfair world where women aren't required to do shit for you. It sucks having such high expectations.
Did I just rationalize an unannounced dick pic? Slightly. But something about him asking me to imagine how he feels really stuck with me. Are dick pics really just cries for help? Warning signs so startling you can't ignore them? Massive SOSes that can only be handled with "Nice one." or smirking emojis? Well..
NO. The answer is no. I'm really not sure what your problem is. I'm not even sure what the anticipated response is. I don't know why you think women want that. But I promise you, WE ARE #NOTINTERESTED IN THAT SHIT SO KEEP UR DICK TO YOURSELF FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Real convo below:
Side note: doesn't "it takes something disturbing to get peoples' attention kiiiiinda sound like something a terrorist would say? Might report