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What is No Strings?

Growing up, I always thought people had one thing that defined them - one thing they were great at that made them who they are. But I never had that. I always knew I could do a bunch of things pretty well, but I never felt I had one thing I was really good at. I knew I liked writing, but even so, I couldn't even stick to one style. I needed a way to find my purpose, and I had a feeling I needed to write to do it. 

On July 29, 2017, I launched a small website as a safe space for my friends and me to share our writing and art. It would be a place where we could channel our creativity without feeling tied to one subject, one form, or one standard. I called it No Strings, a play on my commitment issues.

I never expected anything to come from it, but as I kept writing, my ideas and ambitions kept growing. The website kept growing, too, and I realized not being good at one thing was the one thing I was good at.

In Chicago, people who "don't fit in" fit here perfectly. We are multi-faceted. We are music enthusiasts, party-starters, food experts. We are trash-talkers, poets, list-makers. We are curators, critics, connoisseurs. We are nobodies, somebodies and we are everybody. We don't stick to one thing, and that's what makes us so great. That's what makes No Strings.

So what is No Strings? No Strings is Chicago-made. It's a digital whitespace we can mark up as we please. It's an html version of us made by us. No Strings is life.